Welcome to your Mantra Movie Screening Wizard - A Step by Step Guide!
Our aim here is to get you started on selling out your screening. And, as Lao Tzu famously said, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Your journey is a lot shorter, of course, but it will still be easier and more achievable if taken step-by-step. Your first goal on the road to selling out your screening has to be “tipping” your screening: reaching enough reservations to ensure the film is shown. And the first step to doing that is number 1, below.
* But before you start following any of the steps below you need to make your "Event Page" in Facebook. This will be ground zero for all your event information and it makes it easy to share and get the word out about your event! If you haven't done this before we have created this instructional page to help you: Make your Event Page
From there on, each step is designed to help you build success. As always, we are here to support you on your Mantra Movie Screening Event journey!
Hear one of our amazing Movie Captains, Miriam 'Sita' Zernis, share her tips and tricks for hosting, and selling out. Includes visuals of her social media posts. Recorded during on of our Power Hour webinars. TRT: 6:30mins
Think of the 6 - 9 friends and/or family who would most likely come to your screening and ask them to buy tickets to help get you started. When people see tickets are already sold they are more inclined to reserve.
Ask them to ask 6 - 9 of their friends/family to do the same.
And then ask your friends/family to ask their friends/family.
Well done! - you are already well on your way to having your screening tipped!
Think of the 6 - 9 friends and/or family who would most likely come to your screening and ask them to buy tickets to help get you started. When people see tickets are already sold they are more inclined to reserve.
Ask them to ask 6 - 9 of their friends/family to do the same.
And then ask your friends/family to ask their friends/family.
Well done! - you are already well on your way to having your screening tipped!
Do you have one friend or person in your network who is really, really good at connecting people? Think of someone who has a wide reach personally, professionally, and/or on social media.
Ask them for help!
Provide them with a sample email and social media posts. You can find lots of examples we've prepared for you here.
Do you attended any mind/body/spirit activity like yoga or meditation classes, reach out to them. - e.g. your local Yoga studio, a mindfulness center, etc. - to promote your screening to their members:
Ask them to send an email and/or their e-newsletter.
Ask them to help promote, share your posts, etc. on their social media.
Ask them to put up screening flyers or a poster at the studio.
(Find them in your ToolKit here ) -
Ask your yoga instructor/s to give the event a shout-out in the classes.
If you have ever attended any kind of mantra chanting experience or Kirtan event, get in touch with the venue and/or the organizer and ask them to do an “e-mailout” on the event to their list of attendees.
Ask them if they can post call-outs on social media.
Ask them if you can put up screening flyers or posters at the location/s.
Search for Kirtan facebook groups in your area, join up and post your event and encourage discussion about it.
Think about where else in your community you have seen like-minded events taking place - e.g. parks, natural grocery stores, restaurants, bookstores, community centers, libraries, etc. - and ask the organization to help promote your screening to their network:
Ask them if they can send an email and/or their e-newsletter.
Ask them to help promote, share your posts, etc. on their social media.
Put out screening flyers or put up a poster.
Get in touch with the movie theatre, ask if they would be willing to put flyers or a poster in the theatre, you'll be surprised how open they will be to your ideas.
Get the latest information, tips and feedback from other screening Captain's and ask any questions you have here on the Captain's Facebook Group. Join the group, everyone is welcome: https://www.facebook.com/184762598780988
One of the first important steps is to make your Facebook Event page. This is will be "ground zero" for your event and for all the details involved. Post and share this often. Find out how to put yours together here.

This graphic automatically appears when you post your Gathr screening link. You can also find this and other versions on the shareables page.

We've designed special social media images to help communicate the concept of reserving your tickets in advance, and to help show your screenings progress. All so that your personal messages can focus on why you want to bring the film to your community. (Which is a much more effective way to reach your reservation quota.) You can find this and other versions on the shareables page.

Artwork for materials, customized to your event, are available to download, print and post in your community spaces. Check in our Top Tips page to learn where to find them.
Spread the word about your screening to your wider circle of family, friends and colleagues via social media. So get your Facebook Event page ready and start pushing the word out. Our Toolkit provides samples, social media posts and emails for promoting your screening, use them, they will help a lot!