Social media makes it easy to alert your friends, family and social and business contacts about an upcoming local screening. Whether you’re already a Captain of a screening or a person interested in finding friends to host the movie in your area, using the Facebook and Twitter samples below will help recruit your friends to reserve tickets and make the event a reality!
Friends - I am thrilled to announce that I will be hosting the release of an incredible movie, Mantra: Sounds Into Silence at ____ (theatre) in ___(city) on _____ (date). This is a movie about connection, and finding ways to create a more peaceful and loving world together. We just need (Insert Number of Tickets) tickets reserved in advance to ensure this screening happens! Please join me to help experience this film by reserving your tickets today, and sharing this post with others. <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
Have you ever been moved by an image, a sound, or even silence and felt an immediate connection to yourself and your surroundings? On ___ (date) at ___(theatre) in ___(city) I will be hosting the showing of the film (provided I get enough tickets reserved in advance!) Mantra - Sounds into Silence - a documentary that charts the history, effect and phenomenon of chanting. This is a film about spirituality not religion. It’s about people reconnecting with their truest selves and finding meaning in life. I hope you will join me and reserve your tickets today so I can confirm the screening. I believe in the power of this film and look forward to experiencing it together with you. <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
The award-winning documentary, Mantra - Sounds into Silence will be coming to ___(city)! As the local "Movie Captain", it is my job to fill the minimum reserve of seats to ensure the theater will confirm the screening. I know once you see this trailer and learn more about the movie, you will be as moved and excited as I am to experience this film with me. Reserve your tickets today so we can make it all happen. <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
Picture yourself in a room filled with people connected through music and the practice of meditation and chanting. Now, get excited because I am bringing the film Mantra - Sounds into Silence straight to ___(city) at ___(theatre) on ___ (date), provided that I get enough of you to reserve tickets in advance! Click on the link below to join me and others from our community as we experience the beauty of this film together. <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
For after your screening has Tipped:
I am thrilled to announce that my screening of Mantra: Sounds Into Silence has tipped! I will be hosting the screening at ____ (theatre) in ___(city) on _____ (date). This is a movie about connection, and finding ways to create a more peaceful and loving world together. Reserve your tickets today before it’s sold out!
I’ve signed up to bring Mantra to [THEATER & DATE] You can pre-reserve tickets here: <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL> #Awareness
Paying attention means being present, being here. This releases you from the stuff that is pulling you away. #MantraMovie #SoundsOfSilence <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
Help me bring Mantra the audience it deserves and reserve your tickets now. #MantraMovie <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
Chanting mantras often brings me into a space of timelessness, giving me the deep and profound feeling that, in reality, time doesn’t exist. #MantraMovie #SoundsOfSilence <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
Friends - I am thrilled to announce that I will be hosting the release of an incredible movie, Mantra: Sounds Into Silence at ____ (theatre) in ___(city) on _____ (date). This is a movie about connection, and finding ways to create a more peaceful and loving world together. We just need (Insert Number of Tickets) tickets reserved in advance to ensure this screening happens! Please join me to help experience this film by reserving your tickets today, and sharing this post with others. <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
Have you ever been moved by an image, a sound, or even silence and felt an immediate connection to yourself and your surroundings? On ___ (date) at ___(theatre) in ___(city) I will be hosting the showing of the film (provided I get enough tickets reserved in advance!) Mantra - Sounds into Silence - a documentary that charts the history, effect and phenomenon of chanting. This is a film about spirituality not religion. It’s about people reconnecting with their truest selves and finding meaning in life. I hope you will join me and reserve your tickets today so I can confirm the screening. I believe in the power of this film and look forward to experiencing it together with you. <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
The award-winning documentary, Mantra - Sounds into Silence will be coming to ___(city)! As the local "Movie Captain", it is my job to fill the minimum reserve of seats to ensure the theater will confirm the screening. I know once you see this trailer and learn more about the movie, you will be as moved and excited as I am to experience this film with me. Reserve your tickets today so we can make it all happen. <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
Picture yourself in a room filled with people connected through music and the practice of meditation and chanting. Now, get excited because I am bringing the film Mantra - Sounds into Silence straight to ___(city) at ___(theatre) on ___ (date), provided that I get enough of you to reserve tickets in advance! Click on the link below to join me and others from our community as we experience the beauty of this film together. <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
For after your screening has Tipped:
I am thrilled to announce that my screening of Mantra: Sounds Into Silence has tipped! I will be hosting the screening at ____ (theatre) in ___(city) on _____ (date). This is a movie about connection, and finding ways to create a more peaceful and loving world together. Reserve your tickets today before it’s sold out!
I’ve signed up to bring Mantra to [THEATER & DATE] You can pre-reserve tickets here: <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL> #Awareness
Paying attention means being present, being here. This releases you from the stuff that is pulling you away. #MantraMovie #SoundsOfSilence <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
Help me bring Mantra the audience it deserves and reserve your tickets now. #MantraMovie <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
Chanting mantras often brings me into a space of timelessness, giving me the deep and profound feeling that, in reality, time doesn’t exist. #Mantra #SoundsOfSilence <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
Try sending an email to alert your friends, family and social and business contacts about an upcoming local screening. Whether you’re already a Captain of a screening or a person interested in finding the movie in your area, using the sample email will help recruit your friends to reserve tickets and tip your screening!
I am writing you today on behalf of Mantra - Sounds into Silence, a special feature-length music documentary that shares the moving stories of people who are finding healing and a sense of inner peace by singing mantras together. I am reaching out to friends, individuals and organizations such as yours who can provide support for our screening event of Mantra - Sounds into Silence.
"MANTRA is a must-see for anyone who wants to pause
and take a look within, accompanied by soulful and
uplifting music and singing .”
- Deepak Chopra
"Meditation and the practice of Kirtan can expand the awareness of
our inner timelessness, and so relax us into a deep, inner peace.”
- Deva Premal
How can you help? For this event to happen, we need people to reserve their ticket for <DATE> to see Mantra - Sounds into Silence. If we get enough people, the film will be shown right here in <CITY NAME>. The screening will only happen if enough tickets are reserved to meet the minimum “tipping” point!
Please help us bring this community event to <CITY NAME> by doing the following:
• Share our screening page within your <INSERT GATHR SCREENING URL>
• Pup a flyer in your business/organization/store front (in a visible location)
• Post and share one of our images on your social media account
Gathr's support team (support@gathr.us or community@gathr.us) is available if you’d like more information about how this all works, and how to rally local members to attend a screening.
I look forward to working together to bring Mantra - Sounds into Silence to <CITY NAME>.
All the best,