Arguably your most important tool to help you get the word out about your screening. For those who haven't made one before or need a refresher here are a few tips.
Build Your Event
On the left hand side of your own facebook page select 'Events' which will bring you into your events page.
Click on '+ Create Event' and select 'Create Public Event'
You will now have the data input screen ready to populate with your event details.
Follow the tips typed here on the visual in red to get the most out of your page.
The description is an important part of your event and unless you have a business page is the only place that you can put your all important Screening Link to secure those reservations.
This is also a good place to place the film synopsis or write why you wanted to bring the film to your community. All important messages to generate interest in your screening.
Event Photo or Video.
You can add either a photo or video (Trailer) to your event which serves as your main event visual. Consider changing this a few times over the weeks of your campaign so that your repeated posts look a little new each time. The only important thing is that it has the Mantra logo on it somewhere.
We have lots of options for you ready to use:
Photos: mantramovie.com/shareables
Videos: vimeo.com/mantramovie
The best practice is to download them to your desktop or mobile first before uploading them to your event page. (You can save your event page as a draft while you dig around for your images)
NOW! Use your event page to engage with your audience
Share the event on your own Page
(Many forget to do this and the event isn't seen by their friends.)
Use the share button to:
1: Share your event directly with all your friends.
2: Share directly in messenger.
3: Share as a public post.

Spread the word by regularly sharing your event on your Page. How? On you event, click 'Share' then 'Share in News Feed' or 'Share as Post' to build buzz, provide updates and keep the conversation going with your audience.
Enlist co-hosts and relevant Groups to promote:
Encourage everyone to share the event and take advantage of the combined audience of all the hosts and people involved. Learn More
Share pictures, videos, stories and updates
Leading up to the event, regularly post to the event and get people excited. During the event, give updates and rally latecomers. After the event, encourage guests to share photos or videos, thank people for coming and promote upcoming events.
Go Live from your event
Use your mobile phone to go live from the event to engage your audience before, after or during the event.